January 25, 2021
Dear DID Stakeholder,
We hope this update finds you all well and safe. We want to remind you that DID is here doing our work to fulfill our mission of making downtown Minneapolis cleaner, greener and safer. Our core operations of Ambassador services and the ongoing maintenance of enhanced pedestrian features throughout downtown continue to be a service that you can rely on. As the year progresses, we look forward to our downtown returning to a vibrant and dynamic place for commerce, community, entertainment and fun. We plan to do our part to make that happen!
Here is an overview of additional work that is being done and what we are currently planning for the first quarter of 2021 and beyond. Just a few highlights -
Safety – the work of DID around safety has always been a priority. We know that a safe downtown is a vibrant downtown and a vibrant downtown is a safe downtown. We are also aware of and planning for some of the challenges that downtown may face in 2021. Our work will be focused in the following five areas:
Security Presence and Response
Livability Outreach & Street Engagement
Activation, Vibrancy & Crime Prevention
Communications and Collaborations
Advocacy for a safer downtown
Much of the work we began in 2020 has continued into 2021 and become part of our 2021 safety strategy. This includes contracting with Mad Dads for their services around violence interruption and community outreach. We will be rolling out some new initiatives to further expand our work and to make our current work more effective. Please be looking for more communications on our comprehensive 2021 safety plan soon.
Social Impact - In January of 2020 we launched a pilot program to provide a place for personal storage available to the most vulnerable spending time in our downtown. In 2021 we will be taking what we learned from the pilot and launching a larger scale Community Storage program. More to come on this as more details are finalized.
Enhanced streetscapes – If you have been on Nicollet this winter you may have noticed that we have added some winter lighting in the trees on both the north and south ends. During 2021 we will be working on identifying another opportunity for a lighting element to deploy next winter. And before you know it, spring will be here. With that in mind, our plans for summer plantings have already begun and will be on schedule to welcome people back to the streets of downtown.
Active Streets - Our team is working closely with the Minneapolis Farmers Market to provide whatever support and assistance may be needed to bring the market back to Nicollet in the summer of 2021. We are also working with our own Nicollet Makers Market for its safe return. Returning people to the streets of downtown is of high importance to us. Look for more work to be done in this area in 2021.
We will continue to keep you updated on our current services and informed of new initiatives as they are developed.
Steve Cramer Kathryn Reali
President & Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer
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