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Q&A: 2015 MDID Ambassador of the Year Ada Townsend

11/29/2016, 11:00am CST
By Mark Remme

MDID caught up with our reigning AOY to talk about her job and her goals as an Ambassador.

Photo Credit: Kurt Moses Photography

The Minneapolis Downtown Improvement District honors one MDID Ambassador each year with the Ambassador of the Year Award. It is annually announced in February and is given to a member of the team that exemplifies what it means to be a MDID Ambassador. The 2015 Ambassador of the Year was Ada Townsend, who accepted the honor in February. She has been an MDID Ambassador since 2011 and showcases daily why she is such a valuable member of the Ambassador team. caught up with Ada to discuss with her why she enjoys her job and what it meant to her to be selected as the most recent Ambassador of the Year.


How surprised/excited were you to learn you were named the 2015 Ambassador of the Year?

I felt fulfilled with meeting the goals and mission of the Minneapolis DID.


What do you think are your best qualifications for the honor? In your opinion, why were you selected?

Very good interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with people.


How long have you been an MDID Ambassador, and how did you initially get involved?

On June 20, 2011, I met ambassadors on the street. I saw what they were doing and wanted to be a part of it.


What do you like most about being an MDID Ambassador?

I like the interpersonal connections with people on the street.


What have you learned on the job that has helped strengthen your role as an Ambassador?

I have learned that every day is a new beginning and the opportunity to do your best.


For other Ambassadors, what advice would you give to those who hope to one day be Ambassador of the Year?

When I come to work, I make the choice to represent—to represent the company and the district. Don’t bring a bad day to work.


What was the feeling like when you were recognized at the Minneapolis Downtown Council Annual Meeting and received such a warm ovation for being recognized as Ambassador of the Year?

Totally enlightened. Humble and humility.


How do Ambassadors impact downtown?

Very interconnected, a sense of security, connection to hope. Hope that we are going to make downtown better and more harmonious. Everyone always says Thank You.

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