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Livability Team Adding Value

10/03/2017, 12:00pm CDT

The Livability team is working to improve the downtown environment

As part of the Mpls Downtown Improvement District's 2015 strategic plan it was recommended that we put more emphasis on improving livability downtown by focusing on and supporting the coordination of local service agencies, law enforcement, private security and the Ambassadors. The intent is to focus on areas that have become reliable gathering places for street populations to both help guide individuals to services and discourage intimidating behaviors from individuals not seeking assistance. Best practices from other cities found value in a team that focuses specifically on Livability.


Our MDID Livability team, led by Joseph Desenclos, has grown to six individuals and provides a voice and presence on the streets downtown. They work directly with those in need, tailoring their responses, answering direct calls and making connections to the Ambassadors, local street outreach groups, property managers and law enforcement.


A new dispatch and incident management system called ISS, implemented in 2016, provides real time communication between the Livability Team, other outreach partners, and the MDID Safety Communication Center. It improves response time and provides a record of the call origins, action taken and resolution.


Feedback on the team and their work has been very positive; one example comes from Dustin Pinkerton, General Manager of Hampton Inn and Suites who spoke with Livability staff member Christian Huelsman last week. Dustin said, "I want to thank your team for your commitment to maintaining our partnership with our staff and collaborating with outside partners to ensure the safety of our guests. We really appreciate all of your follow up, communication with our staff, and commitment to your work."

If you see anyone downtown that could use the Livability Team's help, please call (612) 332-1111.

Tag(s): Services  News