A complete integration of public and private strength and intelligence.
Located within the 1st Precinct, DID's Safety Communications Center serves as the informational hub of Mpls Downtown Improvement District. Dispatch ambassadors staff the Center 365 days a year to respond to pedestrian requests for ambassadors, track weather and emergency news alerts, communicate with outreach services for people in need, monitor public area cameras and serve as the central point on the RadioLINK downtown network.
For everyone one law enforcement officer there are approximately thirteen private security officers. The RadioLINK Security Communication Network is a force-multiplier that connects law enforcement with private security , outreach teams, and the Safety Communications Center via a common radio channel. The program currently links the private security teams of over 60 downtown buildings, businesses and venues; all looking out for you and your surroundings while you enjoy our city.
Interested in registering your downtown security team? Click here to contact us.
DID Ambassadors are always looking out for you whether they are patrolling the district sidewalks, monitoring cameras from the Safety Communications Center, or sharing severe weather announcements over RadioLINK. The Ambassador's are trained to recognize indications that a person may be in need of assistance or that a situation might be escalating. Connection with the Safety Communications Center allows Ambassadors to quickly inform first responders and capture surveillance data to aid law enforcement officials.
The Safety Communications Center is also connected to iNWS, a sophisticated weather tracking suite used by professional meteorologists. This advanced technology allows Safety Communications Center Ambassadors to send severe weather announcements via the RadioLINK network; early notification helps to protect downtown's patrons.